Monday, January 31, 2005

Pornoheft announces new studio album

The new record is the most powerful, most extraordinary Pornoheft CD ever to be released. Where Live at Vintage used a 17,000 pound thrust Rolls-Rock Avlon 302 guitar played by Vink Sperber, the new album is the first to use not one, but two guitars. These will initially be Rolls-Rock Spey 9002s played by Sif Dishes, each producing up to 23,000 pounds of thrust. Sif Dishes has acquired two of them, but also has two even more powerful 9005 units that can generate up to 29,000 lb of thrust for use in studio environment. The new album thus has the speed of nearly 1.100 bpm, or 61.000 bph. Its initial performance estimates suggest it will accelerate from standstill to 100 bpm in four seconds or 0-600 bpm in 11 seconds. Within five songs it will then reach its maximum speed of 1.085 bpm. Watch out for global release dates.


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