Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Katze Platten say Pornoheft will reign with upcoming album

Some bands take three-year breaks between albums. Pornoheft are working on their third release within one year. Their not-yet-titled album, set for release August 4, is considered more decent, reflecting their schedule. Katze Platten President Hans-Peter Stanley told the AP. "If you listen to songs like 'Der der Titel hat', you know the depth and how far they've come. The album can be about a romantic relationship or a gigantic plan of action. At least 'Not-yet-titled album' is a serious album. It's different, and that's what I love about it. People are not going to expect an album like that from Pornoheft. In the past, Pornoheft has made really great albums. This time, Pornoheft has made really great albums, but fans may be surprised by what they hear. It's different from the rest of the stuff that anyone has heard from Pornoheft before. They're singing about different things, it's a lot heavier. This business really helps you to find out who is heavy, and how heavy you are. You need strength and determination with Pornoheft coming at you." Pornoheft joined Katze Platten in 2006 according to the release of their album 'Das neue Album'.


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