Sunday, August 26, 2007

New gigs added to September Tour

Pornoheft has added two extra dates to their September Tour, starting September 7, in Frankfurt/Main. They will now be calling at Oetinger Villa, Darmstadt, on the 19th, and Bergisch-Gladbach's Q1, on September 22.
Head over to the gig section for details on the rest of the tour.

September 7, Frankfurt, Exzess, + Removal
September 8, Bochum, Wagenplatz
September 14, Barsinghausen, Falkenkeller, + Se Sichelzecken
September 15, Warendorf, Dublin Road, + Se Sichelzecken
September 19, Darmstadt, Oetinger Villa, + Dean Dirg
September 21, Wipperfürth, Abrockzentrale, + Se Sichelzecken
September 22, Bergisch Gladbach, Q1, + Se Sichelzecken + Strandgut

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Platsch named CEO of Pornoheft Booking

Platsch, a veteran of the music and booking industry, has been named CEO of Pornoheft Booking, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pornoheft. Pornoheft Booking will now be able to provide value-added services and benefits to booking requests and venue owners. According to Platsch, besides delivering Pornoheft concerts Pornoheft Booking will offer various programs that complement the lifestyle desires of concert visitors, venue owners as well as similar affinity groups, with the goal of providing additional value to the global music and booking community through new music products. She says although Pornoheft Booking will not compete directly with older booking departments like Heftbooking, it will deliver newly developed products, services and opportunities that are designed specifically to enhance existing concert programs. "My goal is to help Pornoheft concert visitors achieve maximum utilization of their ownership interests, increase ticket owner satisfaction levels and enhance the potential for extended performances," Platsch explains. "Pornoheft Booking will deliver all of this in a true partnership with bookers and venue owners leaving control of the product delivery firmly in Pornoheft's hands." For the last year, Pornoheft Research Team, which is world renowned for its musical and technological expertise, has led the systems-architecture development for Pornoheft Booking. Beta-testing has been underway for several months and a third-quarter launch is planned. Located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Pornoheft Booking also has regional service centers in London, England; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Australia's Gold Coast.